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General Facility Info 工厂设施总况
1) Factory / premises map   工厂地图
2) Organizational chart       人员组织结构图
3) Production Flow Charts       生产流程图
4) Other brands’ audit reports (past 12 months)其它品牌的验厂报告(请12月中)
Hiring, Wages, Foreign Labor      聘用, 工资,外国员工
5) Labor contracts        员工合同
6) Personnel files      人事档案
7) Hiring policy      聘用政策
8) Voluntary Employment policy      主动聘用政策
9) Recruiting agent agreement劳务代理公司招聘协议
10) Recent Employment Ads      最近的招聘广告
11) Overseas training policy and agreement海外培训政策和协议
12) Work permit                                生产许可证
13) Identification records; I-9 forms, etc.   身份证记录
14) Residence permit                         居住许可证
15) Juvenile workers monitoring policy      青少年员工监控政策
16) Juvenile workers health exam records青少年员工健康检查记录
17) Proof of Age documentation    年龄证明文件
18) Apprenticeship or job-training policy 学徒或培训政策
19) Work Permit for workers   上岗证
20) Work Requirement Policy             工作要求政策
21) Severance / termination allowance records   终止津贴政策 
Wages & Hours         工资和时间
22) Working Hour Policy      工作时间政策
23) Timecards                      工作时间记录卡
24) Attendance / leave records      上下班记录
25) Payroll records                        薪水册记录   
26) Piece work rates & piece work calculations 单件生产效率的计算
27) Overtime calculation system    生产超时计算体制
28) Extra benefits system for OT (transportation, meals, etc.)加班补贴机制(如接送, 用餐等)

1) Production plan/order records     生产计划/订单记录
2) Target / actual daily productivity records 计划/实际每日产量记录
3) OT request form & records   加班要求表格/记录
4) OT refusal form & records 加班拒绝表格和记录
5) OT payment records 加班工资记录
Insurance & Benefits      保险& 福利
6) Social insurance & health insurance compensation records (sick leave, maternity leave, pre & post natal check up, family planning, miscarriage, accident leave, disability, etc.)社保和健康保险补偿记录(病假, 产假,  流产, 伤残等)
7) Social insurance payment receipt (employee SI books) 社保金付款凭证
8) Annual leave compensation records    每年假期补贴
9) Pregnancy follow up records   孕妇跟踪记录
Fair and Equal Treatment      公平待遇
10) Fair and Equal Treatment Policy   公平待遇政策
11) Disciplinary Policies, Procedures, Notices   纪律政策,程序,注意事项
12) Punishment / Discipline records (warning letters, termination, suspension, resignation, etc.) 惩罚/纪律处罚记录(如警示语, 辞退, 停职,等)
13) Incentive, reward, promotion system   奖励, 报酬, 提拔机制
14) Evaluation system & records   评估体系和记录
15) Harassment Policy          针对骚扰的政策
16) Non-retaliation Policy        无报复政策
17) Grievance records (Minutes/Reports/Records from Trade Union; Worker Rep; Counseling office; suggestion boxes, hotline, etc.)    委屈记录(来自商会,工人代表, 咨询机构,  意见箱, 电话热线等)
18) Salary & bonus system       工资和奖金制度
19) Pregnancy Policy (job allocation, working hours, etc.)       孕妇政策(工作分配, 工时等)
20) Movement system and monitoring    调动体制和监控
Freedom of Association      协会的自由权
21) Collective Bargaining Agreement    集体商议
22) Freedom of Association Policy      自由性的机制
23) Documents regarding the existence of Unions or representation (LU, Workers Rep, Counseling, Suggestion Boxes, Hotlines), including Selection Rules, Organization Chart, Roles & Responsibilities, Job Descriptions, etc.文件, 能证明机构或代表的存在(如工会,工人代表,咨询服务,意见箱,热线), 包括选举机制, 机构设置图,  角色和职责, 工作内容等
24) Training, or documents regarding worker representation rights培训,或关于工人代表权
Heath & Safety    健康和安全
1) Safety and Health Policy    安全和健康政策
2) Employee and Supervisor general safety policy training records 雇员和主管的总的安全政策和培训记录
3) Records of inspection by local health & safety, or fire, authority   被当地健康和安全,或消防机构检查的记录
4) Safety & Health inspection system安全和健康检查体制
5) Safety & Health committee records (policy, minutes, assigned duties, etc.) 安全和健康委员会记录(政策, 记录, 委派责任等)
6) Fire Safety/Emergency Response Plan & Procedures    消防安全/应急反应措施和程序
7) Fire Safety/Emergency Response training records防安全/应急反应训练记录
8) Evacuation maps    逃生图
9) Annual fire drill plan and records   每年火灾演习计划和记录
10) Extinguisher periodic inspection records 灭火器的定期检查记录
11) Extinguisher annual service records灭火器的每年使用记录
Will each of the following documents be available for review?
1) Electrical safety records (wiring inspections, training, regular monitoring, etc.)电的安全记录(配线的检查, 培训,常规监控等)
2) First aid training records   急救培训记录
3) Records of regular inspection/maintenance of first aid kits   急救包的维护, 和常规检查
4) Document of local law regarding medical care关于当地医疗法规的文件
5) Documented plan & policy for addressing severe injuries (transportation, local hospital arrangements, etc.)关于严重伤害(运输,医疗安排等)的政策
6) Onsite medical services system (medical personnel, licenses, service procedures, etc.)现场医疗服务系统(人事, 执照,服务程序)
7) Accident / injury records       事故记录
8) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) needs assessment & determination (what type is needed, why, where, when, etc.)    个人保护装备的评估
9) PPE Policy & Training records (what and how to use, store, replace, etc.) 个人保护装备政策和培训记录(使用,储存, 放置的内容和方式等
10) PPE enforcement records 个人保护装备加强记录
11) PPE regular inspection/maintenance records 个人保护装备常规检查和维护记录
12) Noise level monitoring records   噪音登记监控记录
13) Lighting inspection/maintenance records 灯光检查和维护记录
14) Air quality monitoring records 空气质量监控记录
15) Ventilation inspection/maintenance records 通风检查和维护记录
16) Air temp monitoring & heating/cooling system inspection/maintenance records 空气温度监控和冷暖系统的检查和维护记录
17) Chemical handling & training records 化学药品的处理和培训记录
18) Chemical storage inspection records 化学药品的存储检查记录
19) Chemical safety data information (proper handling, use, storage, disposal, and health risk/PPE info from chemical manufacturer) 化学药品安全数据信息(正确处理,使用,存储,处置和健康风险和来自化学药品厂的个人保护装备信息)
20) Hazardous materials minimization plan 危险材料最低额计划
21) Equipment, machinery, & guarding inspection/maintenance records   装备,机器和保护装置的检查和维护记录
22) Toilets, sinks, drinking fountains inspection/maintenance records   卫生间,水槽,和饮水机的检查和维护记录
23) Bathroom, showers hygienic management system, cleaning records浴室, 淋浴设施的管理和清洁系统
24) Drinking water testing & protection records饮用水的检测和保护记录.
25) Kitchen & canteen hygienic management system, cleaning records厨房和食堂的卫生管理系统,清洁记录
26) Kitchen personnel hygienic food preparation policy & training records     厨房人员的卫生食物准备政策和培训记录
27) Kitchen, caterer, food provider government licenses, inspections, etc.厨房, 伙食和食品提供者的政府执照,检查等
28) Dormitory evacuation plan, map, drill records, etc. 宿舍疏散计划,地图,演习等
29) Dormitory fire safety (alarm, lighting, sprinkler, extinguisher) inspection & maintenance records 宿舍防火安全(警报, 应急灯, 喷洒器,灭火器)检查和维护记录
Environmental     环境
Asbestos Related Documentation
         1.) Asbestos Survey   石棉检测
PCB Related Documentation聚氯联二苯相关的文件出示
1.) Copy PCB inspection log for the last 12 months 过去12个月的聚氯联二苯的检查副本
2.) Labeling/permits and violation records 标签/许可和违反记录
      Solid Waste   Disposal Related Documentation 废物处理的相关文件出示
1.)   Copies of permits and violations   许可和违规的复印件
Will each of the following documents be available for review?
2.)   Waste disposal and recycling records for the last 12 months (docs must include name/contact info. for all disposal sites.)废物的处理和再循环记录关于前12个月的(文件必须包括名字和联系信息.)
      Hazardous Waste Disposal Related Documentation
1.) Hazardous waste disposal records from the last 24 months (docs must include name/contact info. for all disposal sites.) 危险废物处理的记录(前24月, 文件必须含名字和关于处理地址的联系信息)
2.) Warnings/citations/fines from the last 24 months/since last assessment 警告/表演/罚款前24个月和从上次评估.
     Domestic and Industrial Process Wastewater对内的和工业处理废水
1.) Permits      许可证
2.) Violation records    违反记录
3.) Monitoring/effluent records (for the last 12 months)    监控/排污记录(前12个月)
      Air Emissions   空气排放
1.) Permits   许可证
2.) Violations违反
3.) Monitoring records (for the last 12 months) 监控记录(前12个月)
Environmental Scoring   环境得分
1.)   Copy of Company’s Environmental Management System   公司环境管理系统的复印件
2.)   Total KWh used during the previous year (Jan-Dec)   去年的总用电千瓦数
3.)   Total non-recycled waste generated in the previous year (Jan-Dec).   If other than Kilograms, specify unit of measure in explanations   去年产生的不能循环利用的废物产生量,   公斤数或其它单位
4.)   Total water consumed in prior year (Jan-Dec).   If other than Liters, specify unit of measure in explanations 去年用水总量, 公升或其它单位
5.   Total Kilograms of all product shipped (not just TBL) in previous year (Jan-Dec). If not tracked in Kilograms, specify unit of measure in explanations  去年出口货物的总公斤数,  或其它单位
Permits   许可证
Which of the below topics does the facility have a permit?   Indicate in the Remarks column if permit is separate from basic operating permit.   下列主题那些方面有许可证
· Fire Safety    防火安全
· Electrical       用电
· Equipment Machinery     机器装备
· Structural Integrity (Building / Occupancy)    结构完整(房子)
· Air Emissions    空气排放
· Water Source      水来源
· Solid Waste          固体垃圾
· External Noise        外部噪音
· Industrial Wastewater Discharge    工业废水排放
· Storm Water Discharge     雨水下水道
· Hazardous Waste     有毒垃圾



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