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Self Factory Evaluation
1.01 Does the factory have a designated inspection room/area? 工厂是否有指定的检验室/区?
1.02 Is there enough space for the Functional Area? 工厂厂区是否充足?
1.03 Is the Functional Area clean and organized? 工厂厂区是否清洁有序?
1.04 Does the Functional Area have sufficient lighting? 工厂厂区是否有充足的照明?
1.05 Is the Functional Area well ventilated? (To Include Air Conditioning where identified as requirement) 工厂厂区是否通风良好( 包括按照规定应安装空调)?
1.06 Is In-house Lab conditioned as per AATCC/ASTM standards? 内部实验室的条件符合AATCC/ASTM标准吗?
1.07 Is there an Appearance room/ASTM specs (should include Target primary source UL 3000 as well)? BLACK ROOM 工厂有符合ASTM规格并装有UL3000等设备的暗房吗?
1.08 Does the factory have a sample room? 工厂有打样间吗?
1.09 Does the plant have a "back up" power supply available that will allow production to continue in case of power failure? 停电后,工厂有自备的发电设备吗?
2.01 Are machines, equipment, fixtures and tools suitable to produce clients product? 机器、设备、工具是否适合生产客户的产品?
2.02 Do machines, equipment, fixtures and tools appear to be clean and in good condition? 所有的机器、设备清洁并且运行良好吗?
2.03 Is an organized spare parts inventory kept on hand at the factory? 工厂有备用零件的库存清单吗?
2.04 Are tools, spare parts, fixtures, jigs, molds, etc appropriately stored to avoid rust, damage, and ensure ease of locating? 锤子等工具是否储藏完好并防止生锈、损坏,同时易于查找
2.05 Does the factory employ people dedicated to only maintaining equipment? 工厂有专职机修工吗?
2.06 Does the maintenance team have suitable skill level and equipment to make necessary fixtures and jigs in-house? 修理组有相应的技能和设备制作某些必要的工具吗?
2.07 Is appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) provided to the workers? 工人是否有安全保护装置?
2.08 Is there a formal documented preventive maintenance program in place? 工人是否有记录在案的正式的维修记录?
2.09 With documentation and records maintained for: 有下面记录和文档
2.10 Does the lab have safety testing equipment as appropriate for Children's product? 工厂是否有用于儿童产品有关安全方面的测试设备?
2.11 Sharp Points Tester 锐器测试仪器
2.12 Small Parts Cylinder 小物件测试器
2.13 Flammability Test Equipment 燃烧测试设备
2.14 Push/Pull Test equipment with Proper Clamp 带有适当抓手的拉力测试设备
2.15 Button Impact Tester 钮扣抗冲击力测试器
2.16 Does the factory have Macbeth Spectra Light III or Gretag Judge II or other recognized brand of light box with D65 and UL 3000 light sources? 工厂是否有Macbeth Spectra Light III,Gretag Judge II 或其他品牌的带有D65和UL3000光源的灯箱
2.17 Does the factory have maintenance/replacement log for lamp bulbs used for the lightbox? 工厂有灯箱里灯管的维护/更换记录吗?
2.18 Is there a valid calibration certificate - for the lightbox? 工厂有灯箱校准证书吗?
2.19 Does the factory have Spectrophotometer to evaluate colors? 工厂有读色仪测试颜色吗?
2.20 Is sample room equipment the same as production equipment? 打样室设备与生产设备一样吗?
2.21 Does the factory have semi-auto or auto spreading equipment? 工厂有半自动或自动拉布机吗?
2.22 Does the spreading equipment have tensionless ability if knits are produced? 如果生产针织类产品,拉布机有无张力功能吗
2.23 Does the factory use die cutting equipment when applicable? 工厂有冲切设备吗?
2.24 Does the factory have band knife equipment available? Do they use the equipment? 工厂有环式带刀设备并使用该设备吗?
2.25 Does the factory use computer cutting equipment on open width fabrics? 工厂使用电脑切割原幅面料设备吗?
2.26 Are templates in good condition not worn out? (If Applicable) 模板运转良好还是报废?
2.27 Are cutting tables of appropriate width and length and of adequate quantity for product being produced? 裁剪台的尺寸(长度及宽度)适合大货料量要求吗
2.28 Is fusing machine maintained per a documented schedule? 贴合机有按文件要求定期保养吗
2.29 Is the screen print process automated? 工厂实行自动的丝网印流程吗?
2.30 Does the factory make their own screens? 工厂自己做丝网印吗?
2.31 Does the factory use computer driven embroidery machines? 工厂有电脑绣花机吗?
2.32 Is the equipment for spot cleaning in clean and in good condition? 设备是在清洁和良好的状态下清洗吗?
2.33 Does the factory have a metal detector? 工厂有验针机吗?
2.35 Is metal detection equipment, placed so that all product must pass through, being used for softhome/softlines and plush products? (except Rugs or Bathmat for which handheld detector can be used) 验针机检验所有服装,服饰,家纺和长绒产品吗?
2.36 Does the laundry equipment have accurate time controllers? 洗烫设备有精确的时间控制吗?
2.37 Does the laundry equipment have accurate Temperature controllers? 洗烫设备有精确的温度控制吗?
2.38 Are the pressing table covers clean and in good condition? (no holes) 烫台有保持干净并且状况良好吗(无洞)
2.39 Does factory have serging equipment with mounted trim waste removal system? 工厂是否拥有处理边角料的设备
2.40 Does factory have single needle lockstitch equipment with automatic position and undertrimmers? 工厂有自动定位,切割功能的单针锁边机吗
2.41 Does factory have single needle lockstitch equipment with automatic backtack? 工厂有自动倒针的单针锁边机吗
2.42 Is Stitch-forming equipment clean and well maintained? 缝纫设备有良好维护和清洗吗?
2.43 Are machine thread handling systems clean and well maintained? 缝纫设备上的进出线部分有良好维护和清洗吗?
2.44 Are feed systems clean and appropriate for the product? 送布牙有良好维护和清洗吗?
2.45 Are presser foot settings appropriate per the product/fabric? 是否根据产品/面料不同调节压脚?
2.46 Does padding allow for proper press? 烫台的海绵垫耐高温高压吗?
2.47 Does the factory use a vacuum table when pressing? 工厂有使用吸风烫台吗?
2.48 Is vacuum sufficient for proper press? 真空桌适合正常挤压?
2.49 Is steam quality Dry – not wet? 用蒸汽烫完产品后,产品上不应留有水汽。
3.01 Is there an inventory control system with incoming / outgoing materials monitored and documented (location, quantity, etc)? 对入库/出库材料有监管和文档记录的库存控制体系吗?
3.02 Is this inventory control system computerized and systematic? 库存控制体系是电脑管理的吗?
3.03 Does factory have documented processes for reviewing all incoming packaging material under lightbox (UL3000) to ensure consistency of color/artwork and quality? 工厂有书面流程针对在对色灯箱下查看所有入库包装材料颜色、图案及品质的一致性吗?
3.04 Are records kept to show the quantity and status of non-conforming (rejected) packaging due to inconsistency of color/artwork and quality after review under lightbox? 有记录显示在灯箱下检验后入库包装材料质量或颜色不一致的吗?
3.05 Does the factory document and track their supplier reliability (performance)? 工厂有文档记录并跟踪其供应商的可靠性吗?
3.06 Does the factory have a documented process to make sure that incoming raw materials, components, and or sub-assemblies conform to specifications, quality standards and US Safety requirements? 工厂有书面流程确保其入库原材料、半成品等符合客户规格和质量标准以及美国安全要求吗?
3.07 Does the factory have a documented process to make sure that incoming raw materials, components, and or sub-assemblies conform to specifications, quality standards and US Regulatory requirements? 工厂有文档记录其入库原材料、半成品等符合客户规格、质量标准以及美国法律法规的要求吗?
3.08 Are raw materials stored in a controlled area to avoid loss due to damage, deterioration? 原材料储存在可控区域,不会造成缺失、损坏吗?
3.09 Are finished goods stored in a controlled area to avoid loss due to damage, deterioration? 已完成的产品储存在可控区域,不会造成缺失、损坏吗?
3.10 Are non-conforming (rejected) raw materials, metal contaminated product, in-process product and finished product properly segregated and identified at all stages? 在不同阶段的不良原材料、配件、半成品、成品等隔离放置吗?
3.11 Are records kept to show the quantity and status of non-conforming (rejected) raw materials, in-process product and finished product? 有记录显示不良原材料、配件、半成品、成品的数量吗?
3.12 If non-conforming materials or product are reworked, do records show that they have been re-inspected and confirmed to comply with specifications? 有不良原材料、配件、半成品、成品返工并重新检验是否合乎规格的记录吗?
3.13 Is there evidence to prove that second quality, overruns, cancellations are disposed of as according to clients requirements? 有根据客户要求做出修改或取消作业的证明文件吗?
3.14 Does incoming fabric get inspected using a four point system (or similar)? 入库面料采用4分法检验或类似的方法吗?
3.15 Are the above results documented? 检验结果有文件记录吗?
3.16 Is the factory inspecting a minimum of ten (10%) percent incoming fabric? 工厂最少按进料的10%验货吗?
3.17 Does the factory use a fabric inspection frame with working backlight? 工厂用背后灯检验面料吗?
3.18 Do documented records exist to support the use of the fabric inspection frame? 有上面操作的文件记录吗?
3.19 Is production/bulk standard available at the fabric inspection floor? 在面料检验中使用大货标准吗?
3.20 Is fabric count/construction and weight checked & recorded for all lots Inspected? 检验面料的织法和重量并有记录吗?
3.21 Does the factory have shelf storage for incoming fabric? 工厂有堆放面料的架子吗?
3.22 Does the factory properly store and handle hazardous chemicals? 工厂有合适的仓库并能有效控制有毒化学品吗?
3.24 Is product inventoried & reconciled when received from Sub Con? 来自分包商的产品有记录吗?
3.25 Is product received from Sub Con inspected? (records must exist to support) 来自分包商的产品有检验记录吗?
3.26 Does an SIP (or similar records/files) for minimum requirements exist for Sub Cons? 分包商能达到SIP的要求吗?
3.27 Does factory have Sub Con performance/delivery records on file? 有分包商执行情况和出运记录吗?
3.28 Does evidence support Sub Con has a documented QC process? 分包商有验货流程的文件吗?
3.29 Does the factory have a bar code scanner for trims? 工厂有条形码扫描仪吗?
3.30 Is there a documented process for inspecting incoming trims/sundries/hang tags, etc? 工厂有检验入库吊牌等辅料的书面流程吗?
3.31 Are there documented inspection records available for incoming trims/sundries/hang tags, etc? 吊牌等辅料有入库检验记录吗?
3.32 Are Dyed to Match trims, thread, buttons, zippers, accessories, etc. matched and signed off by production supervisor with records? 配色的缝线、拉链等辅料经由主管检查签字并留有记录吗?
3.33 Are screen print materials inventoried and issued by order? 丝网印的材料是按定单存放的吗?
3.34 Does the factory properly store dyes/inks (as posted on label)? 工厂正确储存染料和油墨并贴有标签吗?
3.35 Is embroidery thread inventoried and issued by order? 绣花线是按定单存放的吗?
3.36 Are the dye and wash chemicals computer controlled? 工厂用电脑管理染料和水洗化学品吗?
3.37 Does the factory properly store chemicals for laundering (as posted on label)? 洗烫的化学品存储贴有标签吗?
3.38 Does the factory properly handle the chemicals (as posted on label)? 工厂可以正确的控制化学品并贴有标签吗?
Does the factory have a documented process to maintain a secured and controlled location for all clients private brand labels? 工厂有安全控制客户品牌标签的书面流程吗?
3.39 Are Target Brand labels, stickers, etc. controlled and secured? Target品牌标签、不干胶得到安全有效地控制不外流了吗?
4.01 Is there a formal, documented training/cross-training or certification program for PRODUCTION WORKERS on process, work station, equipment that they perform/use? 是否有正式的记录在案的对生产各环节以及操作设备的工人进行培训或认证的体系,以使其了解所从事的生产流程、工序和设备?
4.02 Is there a formal, documented training or certification program for QC INSPECTORS on QC processes? 是否有正式的记录在案的对检验员进行品管流程培训或认证的体系?
4.03 Are defect samples used during training to indicate what they should be looking for? 在培训过程中是否用瑕疵品对QC进行检验要求的培训?
4.04 If hiring maintenance workers without a formal technical education, is there a formal, documented training or certification program for MAINTENANCE OR EQUIPMENT TECHNICIANS? 如果招收的维修工没有受过正规的技能培训,工厂是否有正式的培训和认证体系?
4.05 Are training requirements AND records maintained? 有培训要求和培训记录吗?
4.06 Is training performed off of the production line? 培训是在生产线上进行的吗?
4.07 Is there documentation/certificates available showing evidence that all Lab Technicians have been trained by qualified /professional independent lab technicians? 工厂实验操作员有经过认证的实验室工程师培训的证明文件吗?
4.08 Are all people responsible for making color evaluation tested for color vision? (Records) 对颜色评估员做过颜色敏感性的测试吗?
5.01 Does the QA (Quality Assurance) or QC (Quality Control) department operate separately from the Production department? QA/QC部门独立于生产部门吗?
5.02 Does the quality department have adequate coverage during all shifts? 质量部门覆盖到所有轮班吗?
5.03 Are quality goals developed and actual performance results collected? 有质量目标并收集实际结果吗?
5.04 Are daily or weekly quality goals and actual performance results posted on the factory floor? 每日或每周的质量目标和结果公布出来吗?
5.05 Are DCL's (Defect Classification List) or similar being used? 工厂采用类似于DCL的疵点明细吗?
5.06 Are defects identified and recorded by operation, operator and machine? 疵品可否返查到相应的操作工人?
5.07 Are weekly documented, ongoing Quality Control (QC) meetings held at the factory during production? 大货生产期间,工厂是否开展QC周会并保留记录?
5.08 Are quality records reviewed at the weekly QC meetings? 在每周的QC会议上查看质量记录吗?
5.09 Are corrective action plans developed and documented based on the results of the weekly QC meetings? 是否根据QC周会的结果指定改进方案并保留记录吗?
5.10 Is Production represented at the weekly QC meetings? 在QC周会上讨论大货生产吗?
5.11 Does the factory QC Team have authority to stop production for bad quality? QC人员有权停止不良品生产吗?
5.12 Are thermal strips in use am/pm? (Fusing) 在烫衬时使用防粘纸吗?
Is Factory ISO Certified? 工厂通过ISO认证吗?
6.01 Is there a formal, documented system to control documents and ensure that they are legible, identified, reviewed, authorized, up-to-date and distributed? 是否有正式的,存档系统来控制文件并确保这些文件是清晰可读的,便于识别、查找和更新?
6.02 Is there a documented process to ensure product specific documents such as specifications (both internal and customer's), purchase orders, etc. are controlled and updated regularly to reflect changes? 是否有文件程序去确保有产品的详细而精确的记录如产品说明书(内部的和客户的),订单等有管理并且经常更新反映其变化?
6.03 Are quality records such as test reports, laboratory results, inspection results, certificates, lot control documents, etc. kept and controlled? 像测试报告,测试结果,检查结果,证书等质量记录是否保存和控制?
6.04 Is there a written procedure that defines how quality records are stored, protected and disposed of as well as a defined retention period? 是否有书面程序规定质量记录如何保存,保护并规定保存周期?
6.05 Do documented PRODUCTION procedures or instructions exist? 是否有生产程序或指令的存档?
6.06 Are they present at each production operation? 每道生产工序都有产品程序或指令吗?
6.07 Do documented INSPECTION procedures or instructions exist? 是否有验货程序或指令的存档?
6.08 Are they present at each inspection operation? 每道验货工序都有验货程序或指令吗?
6.09 Does the factory have an internal documented pre-production process? 工厂是否有产前内部资料?
6.10 Does the factory hold a pre-production meeting prior to start of production? 工厂是否在生产前举行过产前会议?
6.11 Are both production and factory QC represented at the pre-production meeting? 生产和QC代表是否都参加了产前会议?
6.12 Are product specifications and approval samples reviewed prior to production or at the pre-production meeting and is this documented in the meeting notes? 产品规格和确认样是否在大货生产前或在产前会议上重新检查过?并且是否备注在会议记录里?
6.13 Are product test requirements and results reviewed prior to production or at the pre-production meeting and is this documented in the meeting notes? 在大货生产前或在产前会议上重新检查过?并且是否备注在会议记录里?
6.14 Are critical quality or inspection checks reviewed, identified and documented prior to production or at the pre-production meeting? 严重的质量问题和检验情况在产前会议上是否优先于生产问题?
6.15 Does the factory perform a pilot/test run before production start or at first of production to ensure that the product meets all requirements? Must have documentation. 工厂是否在产品生产前在进行测试或产品生产开始时就确保产品满足所有要求?必须要有文件记录。
6.16 Does a documented process exist for the factory QC to compare first production units produced to client approval sample and specifications? 工厂QC对第一批生产的产品与客户确认样和规格比对后,并有记录吗?
6.17 Are Pre-production meeting notes/issues communicated to the line supervisors? 产前会议的内容会通知生产主管吗?
6.18 Are needlepoint inspections performed at operations with records maintained? 绣花的检验保留记录了吗?
6.19 Are skip inspections performed between operations with records maintained? 在各操作环节进行抽检并保有记录吗?
6.20 Does the factory have a documented inline inspection process? 工厂是否有检查流水过程的文件程序?
6.21 Does factory keep internal INLINE inspection records? 工厂是否保留流水检查过程的文件记录?
6.22 Does the factory perform During Production (DUPRO) inspections to a standard AQL or acceptable statistical quality level that is equal to or tighter than Target's AQL? 工厂生产中检验是根据AQL标准或是其他比target要求更高的标准?
6.23 Does factory keep internal DUPRO inspection records? 工厂保留内部的生产中检验记录吗?
6.24 Does the factory perform Final Random Inspections (FRI) to a standard AQL or acceptable statistical quality level that is equal to or tighter than Target's AQL? 工厂是根据AQL标准进行尾检或是其他比target要求更高的标准?
6.25 Does factory keep internal FRI inspection records? 工厂是否保存了内部尾检记录?
6.26 Does the internal FRI include inspecting packaging and cartons? 内部尾检是否包括包装和外箱?
6.27 Does the factory use defect samples in the production area to show examples of common defects? 工厂在大货检验中使用瑕疵样作为样品瑕疵的说明吗?
6.28 Does a documented process exist for operators to identify and flag defective goods on the production line? 生产线上的不良品的区分和标记有文件记录吗?
6.29 Does the factory document and track their on-time ship reliability? (performance) 工厂能按时交货并有文件记录吗?
6.30 Are Outside/In-house testing records kept for at least one year? 保存了过去一年内外部的测试记录吗?
6.31 Does the factory conduct internal (in-house) testing? 工厂可以做内部测试吗?
6.32 Is crocking colorfastness tested per protocol - records? 摩擦色牢度按客户协议测试并保有记录吗?
6.33 Is washing colorfastness tested per protocols - records? 水洗色牢度按客户协议测试并保有记录吗?
6.34 Is fabric weight - punch test conducted & records maintained? 可以做面料的克重测试并保有记录吗?
6.35 Is Appearance after care checked (top loading and washer and dryer present)? 检查干洗或湿洗之后的外观吗?
6.36 Is the factory using AATCC 135 MOD to check Dimensional Stability? 工厂用AATCC 135 方法做尺寸稳定性测试吗?
6.37 Are there records supporting the use of the AATCC 135 MOD? 工厂有用AATCC 135 方法做测试的记录吗?
6.38 Can the factory technician show the use of AATCC 135 MOD? 工厂技师能用AATCC 135 方法做测试吗?
6.39 Are Tensile Tests done as per protocol - records? 强力按客户协议测试并保有记录吗?
6.40 Are Tear Tests done as per protocol - records? 撕扯按客户协议测试并保有记录吗?
6.41 Are Abrasion Tests done as per protocol - records? 耐磨度按客户协议测试并保有记录吗?
6.42 Are there written procedures on the use of the testing equipment? 有手写的测试仪器使用程序吗?
6.43 Is metamerism checked and recorded with physicals? 检验面料跳灯情况并保有记录吗?
6.46 Are shade bands created and maintained? 制作并保存缸差表了吗?
6.47 Are samples made in the factory? 在工厂做的样品吗?
6.48 Does the factory initiate their own sample testing? 工厂可以自己进行样品测试吗?
6.49 Does the factory make original full nested set of patterns? 工厂自己打版吗?
6.50 Are pattern grade rules recorded and checked? 样板推档规则有记录并进行核对吗?
6.51 Are patterns computer digitized and graded? 使用电脑打版并推档吗?
6.52 Can the factory make markers? 工厂可以制版吗?
6.53 Does the factory use computer marking and plotter for each cut? 工厂是用电脑排版裁剪吗
6.54 Are material utilization records kept and available? 材料使用情况保有有效的记录吗?
6.55 Is the spread height suitable for the fabric used? 拉布的厚度是否适合布料本身的特性(厚薄,弹力等)
6.56 Is the fabric relaxed before spreading? 拉布之前布料有没有经过松布(布料展开,平摊一段时间)
6.57 Are shades separated during cutting and documented/labeled to confirm color consistency for all parts of the product by bundles? 在裁剪过程中是否区分缸差并做标记,以确保产品颜色的一致性。
6.58 Are shades separated during cutting and documented/labeled to confirm color consistency for all parts of the product by SOABAR? 在裁剪过程中是否区分缸差并用条形码做标记,以确保产品颜色的一致性。
6.60 Are operating temperature, dwell time and pressure settings posted on the fusing machines covering various fabrics? 在粘衬机上是否张贴各种面料粘衬的温度,时间和压力?
6.61 Is record or fusing log maintained to meet above criteria? 工厂保存的粘衬记录是否符合以上条件?
6.62 Is there a documented process for screen cleaning mandatory for every shift? 每一轮班都有清洁筛网的书面流程吗?
6.63 Does the factory properly handle the dyes/inks (as posted on label)? 工厂保存贴有标签的染料/油墨吗?
6.64 Does the factory properly rid the waste of chemicals (as posted on label)? 工厂能够适当地处置废弃化学品并贴有标签吗?
6.65 Is there a documented chemical sample process in place prior to using on production? 在使用在大货前有在案的含化学品样品的书面流程吗?
6.66 Is there a broken needle control process in place with records available on the production floor for SL, SH and Textile based manufacturing? 工厂有断针控制程序并有记录吗?
6.67 Does the process include mechanic interaction? 上述流程包含领换针的管理吗?
6.68 Is there a needle log maintained by machine/operator? 断针日志是有操作工记录的吗?
6.69 Are pressing operators allowed to flag defective product? 冲床作业员可以标记次品吗?
6.70 Is there a re-inspection after pressing process? 裁剪后有再次检验吗?
6.71 Is there a product cleaning process in place with proper cleaning solvents? 有在案的清洁洗涤剂在内的产品清洁流程吗?
6.72 Is there a documented re-inspection process in place for product cleaning? 产品清洁程序后再次检验的文档有记录吗?
6.73 Is there a documented process that reconciles seconds on a daily basis? 是否有处理每天二等品的书面流程?
6.74 Is there a supervisor/manager on all shifts? 所有轮班都有一个主管/经理吗?
6.75 Does factory have an approved sample/quality standard? 工厂有确认样/确认质量的标准吗?
6.76 Are operating temperature, dwell time and pressure settings for laundry machinery posted on the machines covering various fabrics? 针对不同的面料,设备上张贴不同的水洗温度,时间及装置的说明吗?
6.77 Is the time controller being used? 使用自动定时仪吗?
6.78 Is the Temperature controller being used? 使用恒温仪吗?
6.79 Are there written procedures on the use of the laundry equipment? 有水洗设备操作流程吗
6.80 Is there a waste water treatment and is there documentation (inspection records)? 有污水净化检验记录吗?
6.81 Is there a documented process in place to measure the production load size? 有测量产品装箱尺寸的书面流程吗?
6.82 Are there documented records to validate all production has passed through the metal detection? 有所有产品通过验针器的记录吗?
6.83 Are there written procedures posted on the production floor outlining proper use and settings for the metal detection equipment? 在生产车间公布验针机正确使用和设置的书面流程吗?
6.84 Are there documented maintenance records for the metal detection device? 有验针器的维护记录吗?
6.85 Is there documented calibration checks done to the metal detection device (9 point system check) a minimum of three times per shift? 每班三次按照9点验针法要求对验针器校准并保有记录吗?
6.87 Does each workstation have product packaging specifications posted? 每一组都贴有产品包装说明书吗?
6.91 Can the factory make patterns? 工厂能打模版吗?
6.92 Does the factory adjust patterns for grain, equipment and marker efficiency? 工厂会依据面料的纹路,设备及制作效率调整样版吗?
6.93 Does the factory use paper on the bottom of all spreads? 拉布时,每层布间有没有垫纸?
6.94 Are grain lines adhered to where required? 在裁剪某些特殊布料时,用网格线来对花型吗?
6.95 Does laundry document the load size? 有记录装箱尺寸的装箱资料吗?


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